Vorsitz/Chair: Gerd Peter Meyer (Hannover), Raphael Phinicarides (Düsseldorf)
Identification of patients with suspected NSTE-ACS in the observe zone: Evaluating GRACE 1.0 score and a biomarker panel for risk stratification and management optimization
M. Yildirim (Heidelberg)
Zum Abstract
Impact of frailty on 6-months outcome in elderly patients with NSTEMI: The role of intervention and timing
C. Stadelmaier (Fürth)
Zum Abstract
Silent night? Incidence & mortality of ST-segment-Elevation-Myocardial-Infarction on Christmas & New-years-eve
S. Rühle (Bremen)
Zum Abstract
Effekt der Behandlung mit adaptiver Servoventilation in der Frühphase nach akutem Myokardinfarkt auf die nächtliche Hypoxämielast: Ergebnisse aus der TEAM-ASV I Studie
J. Pec (Regensburg)
Zum Abstract
Coronary artery bypass grafting related perioperative bleeding events in patients with acute coronary artery syndrome
C. Salbach (Heidelberg)
Zum Abstract
Plasma chemokines indicate enhanced bleeding in patients with chronic coronary syndrome undergoing percutaneous coronary stenting
T. Harm (Tübingen)
Zum Abstract
Evaluation of LVEDP change during high-risk PCI with and without Impella Support (ELVIS) – A pilot trial
J. Leick (Trier)
Zum Abstract
STEMI-like triage of patients with suspected LBBB-AMI: Is the pragmatic ESC strategy effective? - A propensity score matching analysis -