Vorsitz/Chair: Christiane E. Angermann (Würzburg), Assem Aweimer (Bochum)
Cognitive deficits and microvascular brain alteration in patients with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF). Preliminary data of the HIM-Study
P. Müller (Magdeburg)
Zum Abstract
Der CPET-HFpEF-Score: Ein neuer, nichtinvasiver Test zur Diagnose der Herzinsuffizienz mit erhaltener Ejektionsfraktion
T. Nitschke (Dortmund)
Zum Abstract
Deceleration time and E/A show strongest association with declining estrogen levels as parameters for HFpEF definition in post-menopausal women
J. Weber (Düsseldorf)
Zum Abstract
Glucagon-like Peptide 1 based treatments preserve left ventricular diastolic function - A systematic review and meta-analysis
I. M. Hecker (Jena)
Zum Abstract
Increased PDE9 Oxidation Drives Elevated Diastolic Stiffness in HFpEF
S. Zhazykbayeva (Bochum)
Zum Abstract
Efficacy and tolerability of SGLT2 Inhibitors in patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension and cardiovascular comorbidities
A. Florea (Heidelberg)
Zum Abstract
Haemodynamic and Prognostic Implications of Pulmonary Artery Compliance in Patients with HFpEF and Normal Right Ventricular Function
A. Schulz (Göttingen)
Zum Abstract
Oxidative stress in mutated neutrophils fosters thrombopoiesis in Jak2VF clonal hematopoiesis driven atherosclerosis
J. Pircher (München)
Zum Abstract
Effects of empagliflozin on cardiomyocyte function and mitochondrial respiration in a rat model of HFpEF: a focus on sex-specific responses