Automated reading shows good agreement with manual core-lab reading in high-resolution and in handheld transthoracic echocardiograms – Results from the PAVE project
M. le Maire (Würzburg)
Zum Abstract
Deep learning-based splicing prediction of rare variants in Dilated Cardiomyopathy
J. Haas (Heidelberg)
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Artificial intelligence driven innovative pulmonary embolism response team approach (AI-PERT)
D. Messiha (Essen)
Zum Abstract
A smartphone-guided health app reduces systolic blood pressure in patients with uncontrolled hypertension: Findings from the HELP Study
A. Zietzer (Bonn)
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Multi-omics integration for unbiased clustering of patients with heart failure
E. Esenkova (Mainz)
Zum Abstract
High-sensitive troponin-T as a rule-out marker for acute myocarditis – a retrospective CMR study
A. Pütz (Aachen)
Zum Abstract
Vocal biomarkers explain quality of life trajectories in patients with heart failure: Findings from the AHF-Voice Study