Vorsitz/Chair: Ali El-Armouche (Dresden), Bodo Levkau (Düsseldorf)
Endothelial SOX9 modulates cardiac aging by controlling fibroblast activation, immune cell recruitment and endothelial cell senescence
F. A. Trogisch (Mannheim)
Zum Abstract
Light sheet-guided analysis of cardiac perfusion in reperfused acute myocardial infarction
S. Korste (Essen)
Zum Abstract
The role of Eukaryotic elongation factor 1 α in cardiac homeostasis
A. Martin Garrido (Mannheim)
Zum Abstract
Relaxin independent cardio protection by cardiomyocyte-specific RXFP1-overexpression
J. Wingert (Heidelberg)
Zum Abstract
Investigating the mechanistic role of myeloid ecotropic insertion site 1 (MEIS1) in atrial electrophysiology
W. Qifang (München)
Zum Abstract
In aged mice, the cardiomyocyte-specific deletion of Tfeb induces heart failure with reduced ejection fraction, a condition that becomes more severe under starvation
N. Dörmann (Greifswald)
Zum Abstract
Elucidating the cardioprotective effects of phosphodiesterase 3A in mouse hearts