Vorsitz/Chair: Sebastian Clauß (München), Julian Wolfes (Münster)
HDAC2 inactivation in CREM-IbΔC-X transgenic mice counterregulates the proteome associated with the structural remodelling of atrial fibrillation
M. Gieske (Münster)
Zum Abstract
Genetic Background determines the Susceptibility for Proarrhythmogenic Remodeling leading to Atrial Fibrillation in Pigs
V. Pauly (München)
Zum Abstract
A comparative study of right and left atrial action potentials in patients with end-stage heart failure
M. Prüser (Heidelberg)
Zum Abstract
Atrial Fibrillation Drives Left Ventricular Diastolic Dysfunction Through Inflammatory Cell-to-Cell Communication
M. Sieme (Bochum)
Zum Abstract
Oxidative Stress and Inflammation-Induced Protein Quality Control Impairment in Atrial Fibrillation: A Novel Mechanism Underlying Left Ventricular Dysfunction and Reversible Stiffness
M. Herwig (Bochum)
Zum Abstract
Mechanical characterisation of live atrial tissue slices from patients with atrial fibrillation or sinus rhythm
T. Schiatti (Freiburg im Breisgau)
Zum Abstract
The interplay between activated inflammasome, coronary microthrombosis and cardiomyocyte cell death in patients with atrial fibrillation