Targeting sphingolipid mediated lipotoxicity in calcific aortic valve disease: From integrative multi-omics insights to novel pharmacotherapeutic strategies
T. Rusack (Lübeck)
Zum Abstract
Comprehensive phosphoproteomics analysis of the STRIPAK associated kinase MST4 in cardiomyocytes reveals perspectives for precision medicine in heart failure
M. Leye (Heidelberg)
Zum Abstract
Leveraging 4D lipidomics to investigate lipids contributing to the cardiometabolic parameters of heart failure – preliminary findings from the MyoVasc study
K. Bauer (Mainz)
Zum Abstract
Multi-Omics identify the mitochondrial unfolded protein response as a key regulator of endothelial function and pro-Inflammatory mtDNA release
M. Al Zaidi (Bonn)
Zum Abstract
Spatial omics of acute myocardial infarction reveals a novel mode of immune cell infiltration