

Trikuspidalklappeninsuffizienz und Multivalvuläre Herzkrankheit

Donnerstag, 24. April | 09:30 - 10:30 Uhr | Posterbereich 19

Vorsitz/Chair: Florian Schindhelm (Essen), Lukas Stolz (München)


Predictive Performance of the TRI-SCORE in Patients with Severe Aortic Stenosis and Concomitant Tricuspid Regurgitation Undergoing TAVR
M. Mousa Basha (Bonn)
Zum Abstract
Novel cardiac biomarkers predict short-term outcome in interventional treatment of tricuspid regurgitation
C. Edlinger (Bernau bei Berlin)
Zum Abstract
Early experience with Transcatheter tricuspid valve replacement (TTVR) at a tertiary referral center
L. Rogosik (Kiel)
Zum Abstract
Management of Multivalvular Heart Disease: Combined SAVR with Tricuspid Repair Versus TAVR with Staged Edge-to-Edge Tricuspid Repair
E. Cekaj (Bonn)
Zum Abstract
Development of de novo atrioventricular Valve Regurgitation after Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement
K. Löw (München)
Zum Abstract
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