Vorsitz/Chair: Shazia Samreen Afzal (Trier), Constantin von zur Mühlen (Freiburg im Breisgau)
Transcatheter tricuspid valve intervention leads to renal decongestion in patients with severe tricuspid regurgitation
F. J. Putz (Regensburg)
Zum Abstract
Outcomes of transcatheter tricuspid valve annuloplasty according to recent Tricuspid Valve Academic Research Consortium endpoint definition
T. Gietzen (Köln)
Zum Abstract
Impact of FLuid OverlOaD on outcomes after Transcatheter Tricuspid Valve Interventions (FLOOD-TTVI)
F. Nettersheim (Köln)
Zum Abstract
Frequency and outcome of TEE-related esophago-gastric- (GE) lesions after transcatheter tricuspid edge-to-edge-valve repair (T-TEER)
V. Arsenova (Cottbus)
Zum Abstract
Gender-specific outcome and risk factors for all-cause mortality in patients undergoing transcatheter edge-to-edge tricuspid valve repair – A propensity score match analysis –
K. Diehl (Bremen)
Zum Abstract
Management of hypoattenuated leaftlet thickening and bioprosthetic valve thrombosis following interventional tricuspid valve replacement
S. Kriechbaum (Bad Nauheim)
Zum Abstract
Verbesserung der kognitiven Leistung durch interventionelle Trikuspidalklappenrekonstruktion mittels Edge-to-Edge-Verfahren