

Segelbasierte AV-Klappentherapie: Prädiktoren prozeduraler Sicherheit

Donnerstag, 4. April | 09:30 - 11:00 Uhr | Posterbereich 15

Vorsitz/Chair: Jonathan Curio (Köln), Wolfgang Rottbauer (Ulm)


Association of pre- and postprocedural troponin dynamics and clinical outcome following direct annuloplasty for secondary tricuspid regurgitation
J. L. Althoff (Köln)
The value of Troponin T to predict outcome in severe tricuspid regurgitation with and without edge to edge repair
R. Gößmann (Heidelberg)
General care instead of intensive care unit admission after transcatheter edge-to-edge tricuspid valve repair
S. Andreß (Ulm)
Time points of M-TEER related complications
J. Haschemi (Düsseldorf)
Safety and healthcare resource utilisation in patients undergoing transcatheter edge-to-edge repair - A nationwide analysis.
T. Thevathasan (Berlin)
Safety of bypassing Intermediate care after transcatheter edge-to-edge repair of the mitral valve
J. Haschemi (Düsseldorf)
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