

Chronic Kidney Disease, Inflammation and Cardiomyopathy

Freitag, 5. April | 16:00 - 17:30 Uhr | Posterbereich 24

Vorsitz/Chair: Marc Freichel (Heidelberg), Fabian Knebel (Berlin)


The role of cardiolipin in macrophage polarization – implications for the immune response to myocardial infarction
K. Ermer (Würzburg)
Neutrophil counts in patients with ventricular arrhythmia associated to myocardial infarction
L. Barth (Berlin)
Genetic loci linked to Dilated Cardiomyopathy are contributing to three-dimensional chromosomal mediated gene regulation
A. Munoz-Verdu (Heidelberg)
Evaluation of rejection in LEA29Y expressing hearts in a porcine heterotopic abdominal heart transplantation model
S. Shrestha (München)
Gut-derived metabolite phenylacetylglutamine accumulates in chronic kidney disease and facilitates cardiac remodeling
M. Gesper (Aachen)
Increased myocardial fibrosis and impaired LV-contractility in a model of uremic cardiomyopathy leads to cardiac mTOR pathway activation with increased ER-stress, inflammation and apoptosis
J. Möllmann (Aachen)
Empagliflozin improves renal and cardiac function in heart failure irrespective of renal SGLT2 expression
F. Sinha (Regensburg)
Antibody based functional blocking of the ED-A domain of Fibronectin reduces expression of inflammatory genes in murine lungs in Sugen5416/Hypoxia induced pulmonary hypertension
L. Tempel (Jena)
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