Vorsitz/Chair: Jorge Duque Escobar (Hamburg), Petra Kleinbongard (Essen)
Changes in cardiac mitochondrial proteome of lean Ossabaw minipigs are associated with reduced mitochondrial function prior the manifestation of metabolic syndrome – compared with Göttingen minipigs
C. Eickelmann (Essen)
Zum Abstract
TREM-1 upregulation on myeloid cells links obesity with adverse outcomes after experimental myocardial infarction
N. Gladow (Würzburg)
Zum Abstract
MPO deficiency enhances energy consumption by altering metabolic activity and adipokine secretion of adipocytes, improving vascular function in obesity
A. Hof (Köln)
Zum Abstract
Essential role of Nr4a1 in diabetic cardiomyopathy
A. R. Saadatmand (Heidelberg)
Zum Abstract
Senolytics restore diabetes-induced aortic dysfunction in DIO mice
C. Zöhner (Düsseldorf)
Zum Abstract
Upregulation of endothelial junctional adhesion molecule C induces accelerated accumulation of CD14++ monocytes in diabetes mellitus
D. Semo (Münster)
Zum Abstract
The differential expression of the insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor in the developing postnatal and adult heart suggests opposing biological functions