

Pulmonale Hypertonie – eine Herausforderung

Freitag, 25. April | 09:45 - 10:45 Uhr | Posterbereich 23

Vorsitz/Chair: Karl Fengler (Leipzig), Stephan Steiner (Limburg an der Lahn)


The degree of left heart involvement in pulmonary hypertension translates to graduated left atrial functional impairment
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Exercise training improves lung function in patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension
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Bone morphogenetic protein receptor 2 signalling pathway expression in different patient groups with pulmonary hypertension
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Lack of extra-domain A containing fibronectin attenuates sugen/hypoxia induced pulmonary hypertension and right heart failure: implications for a novel disease-modifying concept
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Long-term effects of exercise training and rehabilitation on survival in patients with pulmonary hypertension
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Exercise right atrial pressure is associated with markers of disease severity in different types of pulmonary hypertension
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Thromboembolic risk among patients on dual antiplatelet therapy with or without heparin thromboprophylaxis
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