Vorsitz/Chair: Wolfgang Rudolf Bauer (Würzburg), Cosima Jahnke (Leipzig)
The evaluation of coronary plaque characteristics in positive stress CMR vessels
K. Nagy (Budapest)
Zum Abstract
Detection and Classification of Myocardial Injury Using Hybrid CMR/FDG-PET Imaging in Patients Suffering from Long COVID
S. Greulich (Tübingen)
Zum Abstract
Myocardial Remodeling After Type 1 Myocardial Infarction: Impact of the Culprit Lesion
E. Messinesis (Heidelberg)
Zum Abstract
Characteristics and Prognostic Implications of Myocardial Tissue Injury Stages in STEMI Using the CCS Classification
I. Lechner (Innsbruck)
Zum Abstract
Quantification of aortic valve cusp echo density as a surrogate for calcification severity assessed by computed tomography
V. Jungels (Dresden)
Zum Abstract
Automated view selection and semi-automated assessment of left atrial strain show equal results in handheld and high-resolution transthoracic echocardiography - Results from the PAVE project