Vorsitz/Chair: Christiane Vettel (Mannheim), Michael Wagner (Dresden)
Antiarrhythmic effects of the CNP analogue vosoritide via the PDE2 mediated cGMP/cAMP Crosstalk in diabetic cardiomyopathy
K. Tergau (Dresden)
Zum Abstract
Downregulation of SRF-signaling drives polyploidy development of human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes in response to contractile activity
M. Schubert (Dresden)
Zum Abstract
Essential role of AKAP6 in NE-MTOC formation and LINC complex function in cardiomyocytes
S. Vergarajauregui (Erlangen)
Zum Abstract
Disruption of C5/C5a/C5aR1 Axis Promotes Obesity Accompanied by Hypothalamic Leptin Resistance and Subsequent Increased Food Intake
E. Rawish (Lübeck)
Zum Abstract
If currents are uniformly expressed in engineered heart tissue and hiPSC-CM and show similar characteristics as seen in mammalian sinus node cells
C. Schulz (Hamburg)
Zum Abstract
Characterization of Glial Cells as a part of the Intracardiac Nervous System
A. Daryaie (Düsseldorf)
Zum Abstract
Exenatide Treatment improves functional post-ischemic outcome in mice with diet induced obesity without infarct size reduction