Vorsitz/Chair: Florian Leuschner (Heidelberg), Gerald Siegfried Werner (Darmstadt)
Detection of Coronary Artery Disease by non-invasive Cardisiography – Results of the prospective monocentric CARDIAC – pilot study
P. Noë (Heidelberg)
Zum Abstract
Risk Prediction in Chronic Coronary Syndrome by Multiparametric Assessment of Coronary Calcification, Plaque Morphology and Pericoronary Tissue Attenuation
S. Lee (Weinheim)
Zum Abstract
Retrospektive monozentrische Studie zu prozeduralen Trends und intrahospitalem Outcome bei perkutaner Koronarintervention im Hauptstamm der linken Koronararterie in einem Hochrisikokollektiv
B. Abdennadher (Hamburg)
Zum Abstract
The Role of Troponin in the Prognostication Post Rotational Atherectomy Assisted Percutaneous Coronary Intervention
H. Omran (Bad Oeynhausen)
Zum Abstract
Abrissverhalten verschiedener Koronardrähte als schwere Komplikation bei Bifurkations-PCI
J. Genzel (Schweinfurt)
Zum Abstract
Role of cardiovascular risk factors on the hemodynamic changes of coronary microvascular function
O. Velollari (Mainz)
Zum Abstract
Influence of frailty on intrahospital outcome after coronary angiography or percutanous coronary intervention in nongenarians
L. Brütting (Erlangen)
Zum Abstract
The D-A-CH* with the glass ceiling: Invasive cardiology edition. The game is fair, but mostly men's flair gets air!
E. Alyaydin (Zürich)
Zum Abstract
Coronary lumen area quantification with photon counting detector coronary CT angiography shows minimal bias compared to Intracoronary optical coherence tomography