Vorsitz/Chair: Thomas Klingenheben (Bonn), Carsten Tschöpe (Berlin)
Association of aortic root diameter and vascular function with an exaggerated blood pressure response to exercise among elite athletes
V. Größer (Gießen)
Zum Abstract
Left ventricular ejection fraction as a prognostic factor in unselected patients undergoing coronary angiography
T. Schupp (Mannheim)
Zum Abstract
Morphologische und funktionelle Veränderungen bei Fabry-Kardiomyopathie nach 2 Jahren Therapie mit Migalastat: Ergebnisse einer prospektiven, multizentrischen Studie
K. Lau (Würzburg)
Zum Abstract
Additive prognostic impact of combined Secretoneurin and NT-proBNP regarding mortality in patients with Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator
R. Allgaier (Regensburg)
Zum Abstract
Direct Cardiological Rehabilitation Following an Index Event of Acute Heart Failure Hospitalization: Baseline Characteristics and Inhospital Data from the ACTIVE-HF Study
F. Lemmer (Lübeck)
Zum Abstract
The Newfoundland mutation TMEM43 p.S358L causes an impaired cardiac energy metabolism and mitochondrial function through altered protein-interaction
S. Ratnavadivel (Bad Oeynhausen)
Zum Abstract
Prior Hospitalizations as a Predictor of Prognosis in Heart Failure with Mildly Reduced Ejection Fraction