Vorsitz/Chair: Maria Isabell Bernlochner (München), Tobias Petzold (Berlin)
Lipoprotein (a) and Incident Coronary Heart Disease in the Community: Impact of Traditional Cardiovascular Risk Factors
N. Arnold (Hamburg)
Zum Abstract
Platelet subfractions significantly differ in STEMI patients depending on angiographic findings
J. Henes (Tübingen)
Zum Abstract
Prognostic value of cardiovascular biomarkers in patients with suspected coronary artery disease
B. Abdennadher (Hamburg)
Zum Abstract
MST1 Facilitates Coronary Artery Disease Progression by Linking Vascular Inflammation and Thrombotic Pathways
M. Schwab (München)
Zum Abstract
Prognostic implications of multiple simultaneously occurring high-risk plaque structures within the same ACS-causing culprit lesion. Insights from the OPTICO-ACS study
G. Nelles (Frankfurt am Main)
Zum Abstract
Limited myocardial necrosis with intracoronary supersaturated oxygen therapy in acute anterior myocardial infarction: initial experience in routine practice
A. Schäfer (Hannover)
Zum Abstract
Acetylsalicylsäure verbessert das Outcome nach akutem Myokardinfarkt durch Reduktion der myokardialen und zirkulierenden Thromboinflammation