Vorsitz/Chair: Thomas Rostock (Mainz), Katharina Scherschel (Düsseldorf)
Cardiac computer tomography and transesophageal echocardiography in routine workflow for detecting of LAA thrombus in patients under oral anticoagulation presenting for left atrial ablation
Volumetric quantification of epicardial fat using semiautomated high resolution atrial CT segmentation in patients with atrial fibrillation receiving catheter ablation: The Prospective AFAT study
Sonographisch gesteuerte vs. konventionelle Leistenpunktion bei linksatrialen Katheterablationen – Signifikante Reduktion bereits mit Einführung des Verfahrens
A further step in process optimization for AF ablation: Safety, feasibility and efficacy of RF point by point PVI with single femoral access and utilisation of a suture mediated closure device